Cereal Milk Stout

Brewed with corn flakes, oats, chocolate wheat and a generous dose of milk sugar, Cereal Milk Stout is rich, smooth and redolent of the sweet remnants of the breakfast bowl.

For the label I wanted to mimic the aesthetic of a vintage cereal box. Not just the fun, bright, primary colors, but also the imperfections sometimes seen in the print process.

I added some slight misalignment to the colour plates and some areas where the ink is getting a little thin to accentuate that pulpy, cheaply printed mass-produced feel.

I basically ended up just trying to match the appearance of my old yellowed Ducktails comics I read as a child.


Cereal Milk Stout was a hit and made its way from bottles to cans. This required a redraw of the original design to accomodate a new print limitation - a maximum of 6 colours. I was also able to use the silver of the can to add highlighting details as well as blemishes to a few areas.