Garage Project
✕ Palliser Estate

Garage Project brewed a trilogy of beers in collaboration with the Palliser Estate Winery to celebrate each year's grape harvest. The result is an odd but delightful mix of flavours that have complimentary hints of both beer and wine. I'm not too good at explaining how they were made but I can assure you it's more complex than just pouring wine into beer.


Sauvin Nouveau

Sauvin Nouveau was the first in the series. I was asked to make an Art Nouveau label. Opulent and luxurious.

After a lot of drafting and crafting I found the success of the design hinged on a good pose and a ridiculously huge head of hair.


Château Aro

Château Aro was a riff on classic French wine estate labels. The difference being that instead of a majestic castle we have the petrol station.


Rosé de la Vallée

The trilogy was rounded off with Rosé de la Vallée. Once again an enormous amount of hair was required to figure out the flow and tone of the image.